Strickersville Road Bridge - PENNDOT Workers

Please Drive Carefully - June 8, 2021

Franklin Township was notified over the weekend regarding a hole in Strickersville Road Bridge. The immediate concern was that a horse and buggy crossing this bridge could be seriously injured or killed.

After sending several emails out throughout PENNDOT, we received this response yesterday - ".....The bridge was inspected on 4/19/21. The Near end of the open grid deck previously had a repair plate installed over a section of missing deck material. Since the April inspection, it seems that the plate has broken loose as well as additional steel deck material. Our Bridge unit will schedule the bridge for a June inspection. A repair order will be created and scheduled as soon as possible."

You very well may see PENNDOT fixing the bridge today. If you see PENNDOT working, please slow down, by doing so the life you save, could be your own. Thank You!

Strickersville Road Bridge - Hole