Franklin Township Moves To Hybrid Meetings

Starting March 2, 2022

Franklin Township Goes Hybrid


GOOD NEWS!!  The last of our new hybrid meeting equipment has made its way through the worldwide supply chain glut and has been installed and is operational.

What is a hybrid meeting? A hybrid meeting involves a mixture of in-person and remote attendees.  Our camera will pan based on a board or committee member activing and deactivating the microphone in front of them.  The person running the meeting will have the ability to focus the camera in on a specific area if needed.  Plans and other documents can still be shared by remote users and will be shown in the Township meeting room on two large tv screens.  Please be patient while we get used to this new technology, there will be some bumps along the way.  We will get better with the equipment overtime and the remote viewing experience will improve each time we use it.


So if you feel more comfortable at home attending and participating, please continue to do so through the Zoom invitations that will be posted in the calendar portion of our website.  Meetings will continue to be live streamed and recorded to YouTube.