PENNDOT Owned Roads within Franklin Township


North Clay Creek Road, North Bank Road, Chesterville Road, North Creek Road, New London Road (Route 896), Appleton Road, Strickersville Road, Wickerton Road, a small portion of Auburn Road between North Bank Road and North Clay Creek Road and Pennock Bridge Road are PA State Owned & Maintained Roads Roads.

Please call PENNDOT - Chester County Maintenance at 484-340-3201 - If you have any questions or concerns about their roads. Please share and forward this information to your friends and neighbors. While we inform PENNDOT of problems on their roads, it is good for them to hear directly from the residents too.

The Township continues to receive phone calls about how bad Chesterville Road is with all the pot holes between Wickerton Road and Creek Road. Township Staff started reaching out to PENNDOT April of 2018 asking them to fix this road and what horrible condition it was in at that time.

Gov. Wolf Patching Pot Holes